At Platinum Medical center, face lifting using Threading technique utilizes a suture which is a thread that is often used in general surgery. The thread creates the lift effect by utilizing specific structures incorporated into the length of the thread. When inserted and pulled back, the thread tents the facial planes to create a natural lift. This technique is best for reversing the look of drooping or sagging of the skin that comes with ageing. Thread Lifting is also used to treat jowls which is a common effect in an age whereby gravity or loss of fat in the middle third of the face causes the tissue to droop or sag.

The visual appearance of a double chin can significantly affect confidence and it often can contribute to making those who have the condition looking older or appearing heavier than they are. At Platinum Medical center, we have a variety of treatments available to help with this common issue and make you finally feel proud of your facial profile.
Cool Sculpting is a non-surgical fat reduction treatment that can be performed on the chin/neck area to reduce the appearance of a double chin. Micro liposuction is a great procedure for reducing the appearance of a double chin. Another treatment is neck lift, which is a surgical procedure that can enhance the appearance of your jawline and neck.